Windschiefe Wahrscheinlichkeiten
Klagenfurt, 2020
zu den Verzerrungen in der Geschichtsschreibung

The starting point for the work “Windschiefe Wahrscheinlichkeiten (Crooked Probabilities)” is my preoccupation with the historiography of border demarcations and cultural overlaps in Carinthia/Koroška. Conversations with people from my immediate surroundings, whose ideas and opinions have been incorporated into the formal decision-making processes of the objects that have grown up, were important to me. The works not only give an idea of what was going on inside me while I was building the objects, they also show an associative history of a shared consciousness at a certain time.

lined up from left to right: the post box, the aquarium, the certificate, the armchair, the table, the bones of your thoughts, the disc chest

Fotos: Paul Schütz